Austin Powers (Mike Myers) is back in his third installment to once again square off with his nemesis Dr. Evil (Mike Myers). In this film, Dr. Evil uses the services of a 1970's Swedish rollerskater, Gold Member (Mike Myers), to kidnap Austin's father Nigel Powers (Michael Caine). Austin travels back to the 1970's to rescue his father with the help of a sexy undercover agent, Foxy Cleopatra (Beyonce Knowles). While Foxy and Austin battle evil, father/son issues underscore the film. Austin flashes back to boarding school, where he and Dr. Evil first met, and the disappointment he felt when his father was not there for him. Dr. Evil too continues to have issues with his own son Scott Evil (Seth Green) and his tiny clone Mini Me (Verne Troyer). Austin uses his skills as an International Man of Mystery to face off with Gold Member, so named for his obsession with gold and the results of a tragic smelting accident, and his arch rival Dr. Evil in order to win the girl and the respect of his father.