The classic tale of a hideously disfigured man who haunts Paris's subterranean labyrinths while harboring an all-consuming passion for a beautiful opera singer continues to enchant audiences. This stunning Golden Globe-nominated television miniseries, directed by the Academy Award-winning Tony Richardson (1963, Best Director, Tom Jones), stands out as the first production to ever be filmed within the famed Paris Opera House and the first adaptation to delve into the motivation behind the doomed romantic's behavior. Charles Dance is the Phantom, who becomes mentor to the young Christine (Teri Polo) and secretly trains her virtuoso voice to perfection until she becomes a star. Burt Lancaster is Carriere, the opera company manager who looks after him and the only one who can save Christine after the Phantom steals her away to his underground world. With its timeless story, The Phantom Of The Opera endures as not only a deeply touching love story, but as a chilling spectacle of desire and vengeance played out against the grandeur and decadence of 19th century France.