The classic children's tale comes to life in this telling of the story of Max (Max Records) a boy who is a little wild. Max has a few difficult encounters with family members, one with his sister when she gets mad at him and ruins his igloo, another when he throws a tantrum and bites his mother Connie's (Catherine Keener) hand. Running out of the house in frustration Max gets into an abandoned boat that he finds on the beach. Following several days of sailing in this boat Max reaches the home of the 'Wild Things', among them Carol (James Gandolfini), Judith (Catherine O'Hara), Ira (Forrest Whitaker), Alexander (Paul Dano), Douglas (Chris Cooper), The Bull (Michael Berry, Jr), and KW (Lauren Ambrose). The Wild Things are first interested in eating Max, but he convinces them to make him their king, and after spending some time on their island he learns some lessons about his own behavior before deciding to return home to his family.