The product of Joss Whedon’s imagination, the film “Serenity” is based upon the popular Sci-Fi Channel series “Firefly”, which, to the dismay of its loyal fans, was canceled after one season. The plot follows Malcolm Reynolds (Nathan Fillion), captain of the mercenary space ship Serenity, which is struggling to find work while staying below the notice of The Alliance, an authoritarian government which now controls the majority of the known galaxy. River Tam (Summer Glau), a mentally unstable teenage prodigy and her older brother Simon (Sean Maher) are wanted by The Alliance and seek refuge aboard Serenity. The Alliance has now recruited a deadly and ruthless operative (Chiwetel Ejiofor) to find and kill River. On the run from The Alliance and in constant danger of attacks from Reavers (psychotic cannibals roaming the galaxy), Captain Reynolds and his crew must expose the awful secret hidden within River’s mind to bring down The Alliance, no matter what the cost.